JuvenEye CLR™
Based on a synergistic combination of extracts of Hieracium pilosella and the flowers of Bellis perennis, JuvenEye CLR addresses the most important dermatological processes in the formation and persistence of dark circles. It activates vital processes which allow for the breakdown of heme, which is both dark-colored and plays an important role in the etiology of dark circles.
JuvenEye CLR also activates dermal draining, through its ability to increase the production of VEGF-C. Excess fluids, electrolytes and immune cells are drained away more effectively. With JuvenEye CLR melanin deposition in the skin is reduced and overall skin health is improved and surface area and color of dark circles are reduced (In vivo: 12 volunteers 3% for 56 days) compared to Placebo.
• Reduces melanin deposition
• Promotes lymphatic drainage
• Relieves fatigue and leaves eyes looking renewed
Hieracium Pilosella (Hawkweed) Extract, Bellis Perennis (Daisy) Flower Extract
- CLR | COSMOS | Dark Circles | Dermal Draining | Eye Care | Regenerative | Skin Lightening | Under Eye | Vegan