Poppyderm® is an antiaging active that increases the expression pf Hyaluronic Acid(HA) in the skin, one of the major skin components, present in the epidermis and dermis.
Involved in several cellular processes including hydration, wound healing and cell proliferation HA is known to degrade during aging and more specifically photoaging process. Additionally, Hyaluronic acid binding protein (HABP), a protein responsible for the link of HA to the other extracellular matrix such as proteoglycans, is also affected during the skin aging. The degradations and changes are associated with cutaneous dryness a flattened dermo-epidermal junction, a loss of dermis elasticity and finally wrinkles formation.
Poppyderm is derived from flowering plant called Poppy which is a part of the Papaveraceae family. With derma filling properties, Poppyderm is shown to increase HA expression and the collagen network density.
• Provides densification activity of the papillary dermis
• Maintains a good structure of the dermal-epidermal junction
• Significantly increases the expression of HA
Maltodextrin, Papaver Rhoeas Flower Extract
- Anti-Aging | Anti-Wrinkle | COSMOS | Dermal Filling | Flower | FLR0424 | Greenpharma | Hydration | Moisturization | Natural | Photoaging | Photodamage | Skin Thickness | WCT