NIXALIN is a lipophilic active ingredient that promotes tissue regeneration and helps the skin return to the natural radiance and youthfulness without altering the primary functions of the cutaneous barrier.
Carefully harvested in a proprietary process, NIXALIN is rich in betulin, a powerful bioavailable triterpene that is synthesized by plants to improve their adaptogenic functions. It has been shown to actively help the skin recover from exterior aggressions and from chronic problems associated with irritation, sensitivity, and reactivity skin. Nixalin strengthens the functions of the cutaneous barrier, inhibits elastase, improves synthesis of collagens IV and VII that safeguards firmness in the dermis.
Nixalin additionally, accelerates the regeneration of the cutaneous barrier following exterior aggressions, reduces chronic inflammation and reinforces blood vessels to reduce rosacea and couperose.
Starting material for Nixalin is a by-products from the Canadian white Birch Bark that is upcycled and requires no cutting of trees. With eco-responsibility and sustainability on the forefront, Nixalin production stands on partnerships with a network of forest companies that are committed to the most demanding forestry practice standards, allowing for a circular economy that assures long-term viability of natural resources.
• Reduces Redness
• Improves Skin Appearance
• Skin restructuring and regenerating activity
• Reduces tissue damage following external aggression
- Adaptogen | After Sun | Anti-irritation | Anti-Redness | Biodegradable | COSMOS | Exfoliating | FLR0424 | Healing | Microcirculation | Mineral | Natural | Naturally Certified | NYSCC | Oily Skin | Regenerative | Rejuvenating | Sensitive Skin | Skin Care | SunnyDay | Terlys | Upcycled