Technical Art of Science

Glacial OCeanic Clay2

Glacial Oceanic Clay

Glacial Oceanic Clay is a glacier and ocean deposits that started forming more than 2.5 million years ago along the Northern Pacific Coast of Canada, and that continues to do so to this day. The convergence of mountains and ocean waters create a nutritive silt composed of more than 60 minerals and rare earth elements that are continuously enriched by the flow of the sea and sand together. Glacial Oceanic Clay rests beneath a blanket of rich humus and is constantly refreshed by the ocean. It is accessible for harvest with very strict governmental, environmental and community guidelines. This precious material is collected with every precaution taken to ensure that the pristine site is preserved forever.



• Gentle purifying and detoxifying
• Oil absorbing and pore reducing
• Healthy exfoliation and blood circulation
• Visible smoothing, firming and wrinkle reducing
• Magnetic Cleansing

Sea Silt
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